David Roses

David Roses

Senior Copywriter at Vinizius Young & Rubicam

About me

I have worked with a number of significant brands such as Danone, Nestlé, Movistar, ING Bank, Deutsche Bank, CaixaBank, Daikin, Volkswagen, Yamaha, VISA, Coca-Cola and Oxfam.

I have won some awards (Grand Prix, Gold, Silver and Bronze) in the main creative festivals: Cannes, FIAP, OneShow, El Sol, Eurobest, New York Festivals, Clio Awards, Effie Awards, etc.


Senior Copywriter
Barcelona, Spain
April 2015 - September 2017 (2 years 5 months)
Danone (Dannon) Oikos, Actimel and Volvic Water. Phoskitos, La Piara Tapa Negra, Bocadelia, Leerdammer, Affinity Dogs & Cats (Ultima, Nature), Haribo, Isabel. Bel Group (Kiri, Mini Babybel, La Vaca que Ríe, La Vache qui Rit Light, Palitos La Vaca que Ríe). Argal, Cuétara (Avenacol and Campurrianas), Pescanova.
Creative Director / Partner
Dinamic / Cru Ads
September 2008 - June 2014 (5 years 9 months)
Time-Warner, Durex, Assistència Sanitària Col·legial, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Valeriana Kneipp, Tiritas, Dani Alves (Brazillian professional soccer player), Torres, Raimat, Funseam, Cinemes Full HD, Gas Natural Fenosa.
Creative Director
FCB Spain
Barcelona, Spain
2003 - June 2008 (5 years 5 months)
Yamaha Motor, Yamaha Marine, Fira de Barcelona (Salón del Automóvil, Salón Náutico), Deutsche Bank, Lacer, Daikin, Lindt, CosmoCaixa, AECC (Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer).
Creative Director
Barcelona, Spain
October 1999 - November 2003 (4 years 1 month)
VISA Platinum, Damm, CaixaBank, Banco Herrero, Intermón-Oxfam, RACC, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Marcilla.
Madrid, Spain
January 1996 - October 1999 (3 years 9 months)
Telefónica (Movistar), BBVA, Nokia, Coca-cola, Sogecable, Sanitas, Palace Hotel, RACE, ING Bank (Nationale Nederlanden).
Barcelona, Spain
July 1993 - January 1996 (2 years 6 months)
Sony, Greenpeace, ABB Group (Asea Brown Boveri), Ajuntament de Barcelona, Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (3 political campaigns), Baruch-Spinoza Foundation.

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