Svitlana Zagidko
Managing Director at Leo Burnett Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
BriefOn June 1st Ukraine celebrates International Children`s Day. Charity fund “Tabletochki, which helps children suffering from oncological diseases, annually conducts certain activity confined to this date. Our task was to come up with an idea that will stimulate donations to the fund without any additional expenses on advertising. We came up with insight. People like it when their good deeds are recognized by others. However, when it comes to charity, any public highlight of your charity activity looks like act of vanity and almost instantly will be criticized by others. At the same time, some studies show that seeing others give makes an individual more likely to give himself. So we needed to create a way for person to show off and preserve his image as noble, as his intensions.We created concept of viral flashmob activity for users of Facebook and Instagram called #MoneyCanChallenge. Here is how it goes: 1) Participant picks up a bank-note, which he is ready to donate; 2) He folds it in half and combines with the portrait on it with his own; 3) He makes a photo and posts it on his social network; 4) He mentions number of friends in his post, saying he will send equivalent of money from the photo the charity fund, if at least one out of them passes the challenge forward. We set off the day before International Children`s Day, starting from the employees of agency and fund, spreading it to our friends and further on.
Campaign #MoneyCanChallenge
Advertiser Tabletochki Charity fund
Brand Charity fund "Tabletochki"

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PostedJanuary 2019
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