Rana Kardestuncer

Rana Kardestuncer

Founder at January Communications
New York, United States

About me

I am a marketing leader with 20+ years experience helping Fortune 500 companies achieve their ambition through brand strategy and communications. I lead the development of global campaigns and programming for some of the world’s most iconic and influential brands, including the Olympics, Coca-Cola, Corona, vitaminwater and Samsung. Prior to going client side, I was an account lead for the marketing arm of the International Olympic Committee, overseeing marketing activation for the global sponsors. In 2015 I branched out as an independent consultant, following my role as head of global communications for Corona and Stella Artois at Anheuser-Busch InBev. With January, my focus is on what I consider to be the ultimate barrier to success: a flawed dynamic between agencies and clients, where neither side wins. This dynamic, often coupled with low marketing acumen, brings massive inefficiencies in communications (either bad work or good work that never gets produced), and ultimately low engagement by agency partners and internal employees. It's often said that clients get the work they deserve. My goal is to help clients get the work they dream of.

Sector Experience


Senior Consultant
External View Consulting Group
Los Angeles, United States
February 2018 - Present (7 years 1 month)
External View Consulting Group helps clients navigate the complexities of contemporary marketing management by providing an objective “external view” and deep expertise in all facets of agency resource management.

External View has been advisors to leading Advertisers and Marketers representing over $9 billion in marketing spend on a global basis in four practice areas: Agency Search & Selection, Compensation & Contracts, Relationship Management & Evaluation, Organizational Consulting.
January Communications
United States
January 2017 - Present (8 years 2 months)
January is a marketing consultancy created to help brands get the best from their agency partners. As agency leads who’ve been on the client side, and client leads who’ve been on the agency side, we speak both languages, understand both cultures, and care passionately about the success of both types of business. We know how to bring the talent and expertise on both sides together to create more compelling and more effective integrated marketing content.
Global Director, Marketing Communications for Stella Artois and Corona
Anheuser-Busch InBev
United States
April 2014 - June 2015 (1 year 2 months)
Developed global communications strategies and related marketing campaigns for Stella Artois and Corona. Key responsibilities included:▪ Establishment of overarching consumer positioning and core creative ideas, including qualitative andquantitative validation globally.▪ Development of social strategies, brand voice and content, including clear identification and role for eachglobal platforms (FB/Instagram, YouTube/Google, Twitter).▪ Development of Corona’s first-ever global integrated marketing campaign currently being activated in 140countries.▪ Development and launch of Stella Artois’ first-ever global CSR program, BALAD, in partnership with MattDamon and water.org.▪ Activation of Corona’s brand experience platform, SunSets Music Festival, currently being held in iconicbeach destinations in 6 key markets.▪ Oversaw global marketing teams around the world to execute and localize programming.
Global Director, Integrated Marketing Communications
The Coca-Cola Company
June 2011 - April 2014 (2 years 10 months)
Developed Glaceau vitaminwater and smartwater’s global marketing campaigns. Key responsibilities included:▪ Development of the core campaign idea to be leveraged through multiple consumer touch points (digital, film/video, out-of-home, shopper/retail, experiential and PR) resulting in a fully integrated global campaign. Results included 4 global and regional awards.▪ Development of activation strategies and campaigns for all assets including the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, London and Paris Fashion week, Cannes and Toronto International Film Festivals. These strategies helped grow vitaminwater to become the world’s #1 enhanced water.▪ Finding and contracting appropriate assets for global campaigns, including signing vitaminwater’s first ever-global talent, Jessie J, for use during the 2012 and 2013 campaign cycle. Tactics have included creation of an award-winning multi-player music video game, one hour TV program (aired on MTV international in 34 markets) and a live concert Games-time in London for 5000 fans and influencers.▪ General Manager to the Canada business where vitaminwater is valued at $30m and holds 65% share in the category.▪ Managed a team of 25 professionals around the world to execute the brand’s communication strategies.
Global Director, Marketing Communications Strategy
The Coca-Cola Company
2008 - 2011 (3 years)
Established and implemented the brand’s global communications strategies within digital, PR and assets for activation in all vitaminwater markets internationally. This included development of blueprints defining how the brand would come to life and connect with the target through each touch point. Details include:▪ Creation of the global “always on” interactive digital strategy leveraging core social media environments(blog, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Developed the global conversation calendar anddigital content to build relevance with the target audience.▪ Evolved the vitaminwater influencer marketing strategy to embrace social media and communitymarketing to differentiate from an overly saturated celebrity-marketing environment. In addition to growing share of voice and building awareness, grew media impressions from 2 to 5 billion per year.
Manager, Olympic Games Management
The Coca-Cola Company
2006 - 2008 (2 years)
Managed the day-to-day relationship of the Company’s $100m+ partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and ensured maximum value was gained.▪ Activated the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in 200+ territories. Primary point of contact to internationalmarketing teams in their activation of the Coca-Cola and PowerAde global Olympic marketing campaigns.▪ Company’s subject matter expert on Olympic branding, positioning and research for all activating brands(Coca-Cola and PowerAde).▪ Developed the Company’s POV on use of social media within Olympic campaigns, which led to theoverturning of the IOC’s policies restricting use of social media for future Games.▪ Created the knowledge transfer strategy for global assets (Olympics, World Cup), including creation of aglobal events portal to facilitate knowledge transfer and increase collaboration.▪ Developed the education and knowledge transfer curriculum for future host country Olympic marketingteams.


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

1989 - 1993 (4 years)

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