Ivan Loyo

Ivan Loyo

Regional Creative Lab LATAM at inDrive
Ciudad de México, Mexico

About me

I began my professional career at BBDO Mexico before finishing university doing professional internships in the final art department. After finishing university I joined Y&R Mexico as Jr. Art Director where my career as a creative began.
He worked at Teran/TBWA, Olabuenaga Chemistry, McCann, Leo Burnett, Dentsu among other agencies, working for accounts such as: Bimbo (Marinela, Tía Rosa, Tortillinas, Milpa real), Danone, adidas, Land Rover, General Motors, GMC, Lala , Pedigree, GNP, Red Cola, Kinder (Kinder Surprise, Kinder Delice, Kinder Chocolate), Nextel, Milenio Diario, Alpura, Volaris, Starbucks, Kellogg's, Banamex, Daimler Chrysler, among others.

He won various awards at festivals such as: Effie Award, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, New York Festival, Circulo Creativo, El Angel de la Radio, Anáhuac Festival, Tótem Festival.

Jury at IAB Awards 2022.
Conference at the Tecnológico de Monterrey CCM "The relevance
of the brief in the success of an advertising campaign"
Jury at PHNX Awards 2024


Regional Creative Director LATAM
inDrive Worldwide
August 2024 - Present (7 months)
● Desarrollar y producir ideas creativas y materiales de comunicación locales para la región
● Colaborar con el equipo de marketing para crear diseños cohesivos que reflejen los
objetivos y valores de nuestra marca;
● Trabajar en estrecha colaboración con el equipo de contenido para garantizar que la comunicación visual se alinee con la
estrategia de contenido
● Supervisar equipos internos y externos; agencias o individuos que crean campañas,
videos, ideas y campañas o cualquier otro medio y revisar el material para las comunicaciones de la marca;
● Trabajar con una pareja creativa (redactor) a diario en la creación de conceptos para la región LATAM
Director Creativo
February 2024 - March 2024 (1 month)
Lead creative groups that understand, respond to and engage with creativity and client needs. Creating, implementing, producing and monitoring all types of multimedia campaigns, worked hand in hand with strategists and planners, has been the environment in which I have developed my career and my achievements.
Integrate Creative Director
Ganem México
December 2022 - February 2024 (1 year 2 months)
Communication and advertising strategy and development for different brands
- Honda cars: Civic, Pilot, Odyssey, Accord, City, CR-V, HR-V, BR-V, CR-V Hybrid
- Liomont: Analgen, Facidex, Sensibit, Tusigen and Conazole
- Sabormex: Legal Coffee, Golden Coffee
Creative Director
July 2022 - February 2024 (1 year 7 months)
Communication and advertising strategy and development for different brands
- Acura
- Honda cars: Civic, Pilot, Odyssey, Accord, City, CR-V, HR-V, BR-V, CR-V Hybrid
- Liomont: Analgen, Facidex, Sensibit, Tusigen and Conazole
- Sabormex: Legal Coffee, Golden Coffee
Integrate Group Creative Director
Dentsu México
November 2020 - December 2022 (2 years 1 month)
I led two creative teams to develop campaigns
integrated marketing· Promoting results· Marketing
performance · Digital marketing · Digital strategy.

- Bimbo (Bimbo Global Race, I Feel Food, Verygüel),
- Red Cola,
- Afore Coppel,
- BanCoppel
- BEHR Pinturas (Mexico and Chile).
Creative Director
dentsu mcgarrybowen, México City
December 2020 - May 2022 (1 year 5 months)
I led two creative teams to develop campaigns
integrated marketing· Promoting results· Marketing
performance · Digital marketing · Digital strategy.

- Bimbo (Bimbo Global Race, I Feel Food, Verygüel),
- Red Cola,
- Afore Coppel,
- BanCoppel
- BEHR Pinturas (Mexico and Chile)
Creative Director
Mexico City, Mexico
April 2018 - November 2020 (2 years 7 months)
I led two creative teams to develop campaigns
integrated marketing· Promoting results· Marketing
performance · Digital marketing · Digital strategy.

- GMC (General Motor Company),
- Kinder (Kinder Surprise, Kinder Delice, Kinder Chocolate, Kinder Bueno)
- Azteca de Oro
- Kellogg's (Zucaritas, Choco Crispis).
Director creativo
Mexico City, Mexico
2018 - 2020 (2 years)
- General Motors: GMC
-Grupo Domecq: Azteca de Oro y Terry Brandy
- Kinder México: Kinder Sorpresa, Kinder Délice, Kinder Chocolate y Kinder Bueno
-Kellogg´s: Zucaritas y Choco KrispisPensamiento, desarrollo y estrategia de marca a nivel creativo
Associate Creative Director / Creative Director Head of art
Mexico City, Mexico
2015 - 2018 (3 years)
- Marinela: Pingüinos, Chocorrol, Galletas Principe, Suavicremas, Barrita
- Galletas Lara
- Suandy
- Tía Rosa
- Milpa Real
- Sanissino
Associate Creative Director / Creative Director
McCann Mexico City / Vector B
April 2014 - March 2018 (3 years 11 months)
I led a creative team to develop integrated marketing campaigns· Results promotion· Performance marketing· Digital marketing· Digital strategy.

- Marinela (Pigüinos, Canelitas, Barritas and Principe)
- Tía rosa
- Sanissimo
- Milpa Real
Associate Creative Director
PML (Proesa-Moller-Lebrija)
2012 - 2015 (3 years)
Pensamiento y desarrollo del pensamiento creativo - Dirección de arte y ejecuciones.

- Alpura
- Banamex
- Antad
- Fundación Ibero Meneses,
- Henkel
Associate Creative Director
PML (Proeza- Moller- Lebrija)
May 2012 - April 2014 (1 year 11 months)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Alpura
- Banamex
- Antad
- Ibero Meneses Foundation,
- Henkel
Associate Creative Director
Mexico D.F., Mexico
November 2011 - March 2012 (4 months)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Coorslight
- Milenio Diario
- Suburbia
- General Motors.
Associate Creative Director
Mexico D.F., Mexico
November 2011 - March 2012 (4 months)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Coorslight
- Milenio Diario
- Suburbia
- General Motors.
Art Director Sr. / Associate Creative Director
Mexico, Mexico
August 2007 - November 2011 (4 years 3 months)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Adidas (The Mexican Futbol selection, Tigres UNAL, Adidas Originals),
- Profuturo
- Apple
- Bancomext
- Perfec fit
- Pedigree
- Fundación
- Teletón
- Volaris
- Un Kilo de Ayuda
- Starbucks
- Nextel
- Sport City
Art Director Sr. / Associate Creative Director
Mexico, Mexico
2007 - 2011 (4 years)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Adidas (The Mexican Futbol selection, Tigres UNAL, Adidas Originals),
- Profuturo
- Apple
- Bancomext
- Perfec fit
- Pedigree
- Fundación
- Teletón
- Volaris
- Un Kilo de Ayuda
- Starbucks
- Nextel
- Sport City
Art Director Jr.
Mexico City, Mexico
April 2005 - September 2007 (2 years 5 months)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Land Rover
- Danone (Vitalinea, Activia, Danup, Danet),
- Phillip Morris (Faros y Delicados)
- Avon.
Art Director Jr.
Mexico City, Mexico
2005 - 2007 (2 years)
Thinking and development of creative thinking - Art direction direction and executions.

- Land Rover
- Danone (Vitalinea, Activia, Danup, Danet),
- Phillip Morris (Faros y Delicados)
- Avon
Trainne / Art Director Jr.
Mexico City, Mexico
February 2004 - August 2005 (1 year 6 months)
I started my work experience in the final art department
a year before finishing my university studies.

- Mercedes Benz
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Dodge
- Chysleir
Trainne / Art Director Jr.
Mexico City, Mexico
2004 - 2005 (1 year)
I started my work experience in the final art department
a year before finishing my university studies.

- Mercedes Benz
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Dodge
- Chysleir


communication Sciences

Communication Sciences

Other professional activities

PHNX Awards, Paris

Awards Jury Member
March 2024 - September 2024 (6 months)

IAB Mixx Awards

Creative Jury in Award IAB Mixx 2022
January 2022 - April 2022 (3 months)
This was the fourteenth edition of the IAB MIXX Awards, the festival that rewards the best of digital advertising and interactive marketing in Mexico.

Tecnológico de Monterrey CCM

Conference at the Tecnológico de Monterrey CCM "The relevance of the brief in the success of an advertising campaign"

PHNX Awards, Paris

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2025

Awards Jury Member

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