Born in Santiago, Chile, Hernán start her carreer like a Copywriter in Lowe Porta. Since 2005, was worked in a most important ad agency of Chile, like Tbwa, Y&R, Wolf BCPP among others, included a brief season in Leo Burnett Madrid, in more than 15 years.
He has participated an winning in diferents festivals like Cannes Lions, Ojo de Iberoamérica, FIAP and more than 50s local awards, included many Effies, and a Grand Effie.
In his career he has worked with clients such as Cerveza Cristal, Cerveza Escudo, TVN, VTR, Fox Sports, Nat Geo, Coors, JetSMART. Now, in Pedro, Juan y Diego, have different Brands like Salcobrand, Sky Airlines, Hites, Miller among others.
Actually, also, is professor in the Diego Portales University.
Since 2019 is Chief Creative Officer in a succesfull independent Agencys of Chile.