I was born in Hungary, where I was a) misdiagnosed with Down Syndrome, b) triumphed over my kindergarten teachers' attempts to force-convert me from left- to right-handed, and c) my ADHD went undiagnosed because it didn't "exist" yet.
I grew up in Germany, still left-handed and attention-challenged, both of which gave me a strong desire to prove that you can be just as smart as everyone else—even when your math teacher drags you around the classroom by your ear for smudging your writing with your fist because you're the only lefty in the group. But left-handed people are supposed to be more creative, so that's the route I took.
Many years later, I'm a Creative Director and Copywriter who has worked in and for six countries on four continents, won awards for work I'm actually proud of, and was able to work with, under, and above some of the most brilliant people in our ever-changing industry.
I call myself a Discontent Creator because like most people, I don't like advertising—i.e. bad, annoying advertising. So, I try to make great content that happens to promote brands. And I like to channel my lack of contentment with the many things that aren't right in our world into work that aims to make them a bit better.