Studied at the IPP and in the first year, he started his internship at Quorum Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, then he went to Creazone. After that, his curiosity took him to the world of BTL, he was the first creative editor of Yellow BTL, this work let him to move to Chile and he worked at the agency Los Quiltros among others. After a few years, he returned to Peru as Creative Director in Mayo FCB for a long time. But curiosity continued, and he wanted to explore the digital world, so he went through Tribal DDB, then they called him from BBDO Perú to handle integral brands. A few years later, Mood gives me the opportunity to be CCO where he is about to turn 3 years.
Among his achievements:
Work a brand and bring it to be in the top ten of Peruvian brands.
2 EFFIES, 2 APAP, 1 ACHAP, 10 finalists in FIAP, 2 Grand Prix in FIP, 13 WINA, finalists in Ojo de Ibero América.