David Abraham

David Abraham

CEO & Founder at Wonderhood Studios
LONDON, United Kingdom

About me

I’ve been in media for about 30 years. First half of it was very much in the creative agency world. I worked in companies like CDP and Chiat Day and I was one of the co-founders of St Luke’s. I then went into the media world and had an opportunity to go and run the Discovery Channel in the UK at the time when everything was going digital. I became a broadcaster and developed a portfolio of channels there and then had the opportunity of going to the US where I ran TLC which is a cable network in 90 million homes.

I had by then a lot of experience commissioning programs, all in the factual entertainment, lifestyle space. I had the good fortune to be offered the job as CEO of UKTV in 2007 and I put together a team that looked at the portfolio of channels and rebranded the whole business. One of the things that came out of that was Dave which became one of the most successful TV channels of that era, branded in a unique way with a clear distinctive proposition and editorial approach. That led to me becoming the Chief Executive of Channel 4 in 2010, a job I did for nearly eight years. I stood down towards the end of last year. Then had a bit of a rest and now I’m launching a new business called Wonderhood Studios.


CEO & Founder
London, United Kingdom
2018 - Present (7 years 2 months)
United Kingdom
2010 - 2018 (8 years)
United Kingdom
2007 - 2010 (3 years)
President & General Manager
Discovery Networks USA
United States
2005 - 2007 (2 years)
General Manager
Discovery Networks UK
United Kingdom
2001 - 2005 (4 years)
Founding Partner
London, United Kingdom
1995 - 2001 (6 years)
Account Director
New York, United States
1990 - 1995 (5 years)

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