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Title | Potable |
Brief | Restoring drinking water to its former glory; reminding people of the commitment and passion each Veolia employee puts into its production, distribution and treatment... these are the goals of Veolia's first public communications campaign. This campaign marks the beginning of a transparent and virtuous dialogue between the brand and the 26 million French people it serves every day.In France today, we’ve come to expect access to clean drinking water 24 hours a day, 365 days a year because we’ve had this service for decades. Through our " Potable !" - or “Drinkable!” - campaign, we wanted to highlight the commitment and expertise of the Veolia women and men who make this vital service available every day.In French, “potable” means "potable drinking water," but in French everyday language it also means "acceptable," "adequate," "not too bad," or "so so." |
Agency | Havas Paris |
Campaign | Potable |
Advertiser | Veolia Environnement |
Brand | Veolia Eau |
Posted | November 2018 |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Television |
General Director | Fr....�ric ..n H...s Subscribers Only |
Communications Director | L....nt O...ia Subscribers Only |
Communications Director,France | P....nt Subscribers Only |
Communication director | A....rd Subscribers Only |
Communication responsible | L...e Subscribers Only |
Vice President (VP) | Y...c No.....on Subscribers Only |
Partner | Ch.....te D...ot Subscribers Only |
Consultant | Subscribers Only |
Junior consultant | M...e Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | Ch.....phe Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | Co.....tin .e .a B...e Subscribers Only |
Art Director | B...ît P...n Subscribers Only |
TV Production | M...el Subscribers Only |
Producer | Dut.......ta Subscribers Only |
Director | D...d Subscribers Only |
Production (Agency) | St....rd F..m Subscribers Only |
Sound | H...S Subscribers Only |