Edith Chapin
Accounts Director at Monks
Paris, France
TitlePassport (Passeport)
BriefYour Playlists combined summer insights with real user-created Spotify playlists. Each poster featured at least one real playlist from Spotify. For example, in an airport: "To the guy who created the playlist 'Where’s my passport?' Too late." Or "To you, the guy who created the playlist 'Brokenhearted' this summer. Someone just made a playlist called 'Need some lovin'."
Campaign Your Summertime, Your Playlists.
Advertiser Spotify
Brand Spotify

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PostedNovember 2017
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Outdoor/Out of Home
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) W..e GBAD.........KANMI Subscribers Only
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