Lauren Johnson

Lauren Johnson

Senior technology editor at Adweek
New York, United States

About me

Lauren Johnson is a senior technology editor for Adweek, where she specializes in covering digital marketing trends, social platforms, ad tech and emerging tech. 

Specialties: AP Style, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, InCopy, research, copy editing, fact checking, Web
production, HTML, content management systems, blogging platforms and social media. 

Sector Experience


Senior technology editor
New York, United States
July 2017 - Present (7 years 8 months)
Staff writer
New York, United States
May 2014 - July 2017 (3 years 2 months)
Associate Reporter
Mobile Marketer
United States
July 2012 - May 2014 (1 year 10 months)
Editorial Assistant
Mobile Marketer
United States
June 2011 - July 2012 (1 year 1 month)
Freelance Editorial Assistant
Studio One Networks
United States
November 2010 - June 2011 (7 months)
-Researched and fact-checked articles for 12 websites, including and
-Tagged and edited articles for SEO.
-Wrote blog posts and short articles.
-Planned and monitored social media blasts through Hootsuite.
Special Projects Freelancer at Allure Magazine
Conde Nast
United States
November 2010 - February 2011 (3 months)
-Managed 4,000 beauty products to be photographed and catalogued for’s shopping section.
-Tagged products in CMS for SEO.
-Wrote 15+ product reviews for
Temporary copy editor/proofreader
United States
September 2010 - October 2010 (1 month)
-Copy edit e-book conversions for consistency and style.
Redbook editorial intern
Hearst Magazines
United States
June 2010 - August 2010 (2 months)
-Researched health, relationship, finance and book front-of-book articles for departments including “Make it Work,” “What Works,” “Mommy Strategies,” and “I Love My ___ Life.”
-Wrote November and December 2010 department stories, “Living Large” about moms who stretch their salaries.
-Interviewed couples on the street for the “Love Notes” department.
-Contributed to magazine’s social media by tweeting for @Redbookmag.
-Evaluated writer pitches and responded to reader mail and email.
Front-of-book Editor
Vox Magazine
United States
January 2010 - May 2010 (4 months)
-Edited features about movies, television and food for a 10,000-circulation city magazine.
-Managed a team of ten reporters, assigned stories.
-Compiled, fact-checked and uploaded calendar events to the magazine’s website.
Editorial/online intern at Star Magazine
New York, United States
May 2009 - August 2009 (3 months)
-Authored about three celebrity stories daily on
-Transcribed interviews on a weekly basis for editors.
-Interviewed celebrities at press junkets.
-Edited and resized photos for
Editorial intern at Drapers Magazine
United States
January 2009 - April 2009 (3 months)
-Wrote full-length feature and news stories on the UK fashion trade industry with a circulation of 10,000.
-Managed fashion closet, wrote credits.
-Interviewed consumers and shop owners to create weekly trend analysis articles for UK retailers.
-Wrote quick news bursts for the magazine’s print and web editions.
Columbia Missourian
United States
May 2008 - August 2008 (3 months)
-Produced original content for the neighborhood beat with a monthly e-newsletter sent to 6,300 Columbia residents.
-Interviewed city residents; reported on stories including sewer issues, construction and local elections.
-Reported the local effects of national news events in stories such as jalapeño contamination and green lifestyles.


Bachelor of Journalism - Magazine journalism

2006 - 2010 (4 years)
Activities and Societies: Phi Mu Sorority, Magazine Club, Mizzou Student Foundation, Society of Professional Journalists, Mizzou for Malawi -Student Ambassador from 2007-2010. -Study Abroad program in London in spring 2009. -Lois Myers McNutt Scholarship 2009-2010 recipient. -Student tutor for a preschool with the program A Way with Words and Numbers.

International journalism study abroad semester

2009 (1 year)
Course work focused on understanding the European media with hands-on experience interning at the London-based fashion trade magazine Drapers.

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