John Gerzema

John Gerzema

CEO at Harris Insights & Analytics (The Harris Poll)
New York, United States

About me

This profile was created because John Gerzema has been referenced on AdForum.


The Harris Poll
May 2017 - Present (7 years 10 months)
CEO of Harris Insights & Analytics/The Harris Poll, a public opinion, corporate, brand and reputation strategy firm. NYT bestselling author, social scientist and strategist in applying data to insights in society, corporations, culture and brands.
Chairman and CEO BAV Consulting
BAV Consulting
October 2010 - May 2017 (6 years 7 months)
As Chairman and CEO of BAV Consulting, a WPP Group PLC and Young & Rubicam Group company, I oversaw strategy for BrandAsset Valuator Consulting, overseeing the world's largest database of brands and customer attitudes. BAV collects data on over 50,000 brands across 50 countries and polls 17,000 customers in the U.S. quarterly.
Chief Insights Officer
New York, United States
August 2004 - October 2010 (6 years 2 months)
As global Chief Insights Officer, I report to the CEO and oversee strategy, innovation and marketing practice for over 185 offices around the world. In addition, I oversees BrandAsset Valuator, the largest database of consumer attitudes, values and brand data in the world. Responsible for growth, consumer insights and integrated marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 clients.
Managing Partner
Minneapolis, United States
November 1992 - July 2004 (11 years 8 months)
Responsible for global operations of Fallon's network, including opening offices around the world, acquisitions, joint-ventures and integrating new offices through global business development, extension of client services and teaching of Fallon's culture/values
Managing Partner, Director of Account Planning
Fallon McElligott
1992 - 2004 (12 years)
Was part of a core management team which saw Fallon's ascension from a local to a national agency, becoming Ad Age and Adweek's agency of the year numerous times and helping the company to grow 3X in ten years.
Managing Partner
Minneapolis, United States
1991 - 2004 (13 years)
As co-founder of Fallon's account planning function, I built a customer insights and research practice designed to inspire creative communications and brand experience, while being validated by sound communications research, tracking, messaging and social media monitoring.
Account Supervisor
Campbell Mithun
1987 - 1992 (5 years)
Account services and brand management for a diverse array of blue-chip marketers.


Masters The Medill School of Journalism

1986 - 1987 (1 year)
Activities and Societies: Inducted into The Medill "Hall of Achievement' reflecting distinguished alumni in the fields of media, business and journalism. (Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism)

Bachelor of Science Field Of Study Marketing

1979 - 1983 (4 years)
Activities and Societies: President of Phi Kappa Psi University

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