Ricco Arntz
Frontend Developer at Monks
Los Angeles, United States
TitleUmami Land
BriefThe idea for Umami Land stemmed from an increase in searches for Food Delivery (55%) and Easy Recipe (30%) between 2019 and 2020. So a rising interest in both food and takeaways was apparent. Opting to raise awareness around the beautifully diverse Japanese food available around the world, we made Umami Land as a homage for the world to enjoy.Since everyone enjoys food, our demographic was practically everyone. Umami Land was translated to simplified Chinese and Korean to increase that reach. It’s browser-based and can be accessed on both desktop and mobile, with Google Search integrations.
Campaign Umami Land
Advertiser Google
Brand Google Search

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PostedNovember 2021
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Digital
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Sr 3D Animator Mu....em B...ak Subscribers Only
3D Generalist K..a Le.....ndt Subscribers Only
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Sound Designer V....nt J...bs Subscribers Only
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