A passion for the power of big, organizing ideas. A belief in the value of small, heartfelt courtesies. Our legendary founder John McGarry, Jr.'s unwavering commitments to both have defined his career. They're commitments evident in the billions of dollars of value he has helped add to the balance sheets of his clients. They're also evident in the fantastically successful client/agency partnerships he has built and maintained. And they're perhaps most evident in the personal friendships he has formed, the careers he has inspired, and the colleagues he has mentored.
It should be no surprise that mcgarrybowen reflects these commitments. After all, we're the result of one of John's best big, organizing ideas—a revolutionary idea for a revolutionary agency, sketched out on a yellow legal pad in 2002. Lean, service-focused, peopled with handpicked elite talent, and dedicated to creating “work that works” anywhere, anytime, and across all media. John brought his idea to two friends and colleagues he trusts with his life, Gordon Bowen and Stewart Owen, and an agency was born. Ten short years later, mcgarrybowen has won 2011 Agency of the Year awards from both Ad Age and Adweek, while expanding around the world.
Prior to mcgarrybowen, John served as Chairman and CEO of Young & Rubicam Advertising during the most successful run in the famed agency's history. He's just as well known, though, for the small things he does—handwritten notes, face-to-face meetings—as he is for his largest achievements, which isn't surprising for a man aptly described as “gracious and tenacious.”