Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips

Managing Director at AAR London
London, United Kingdom

About me

Paul is Managing Director of AAR and has been at the company since 1998 prior to which he spent 16 years working in advertising and media agencies (DDB, Horner Collis & Kirvan, WM Media, Mediaedge:cia).
Time is split between consulting on client projects thar range from international multi-agency reviews to domestic business building between clients and their agencies.

"The best job in the world? Quite possibly!
22 years as a consultant working with brand owners that take our counsel and support in striving to get the best from their agency partners.
Seeing the very best that agencies have to offer led and staffed by super-intelligent, creative, articulate and entertaining people both at home and on the international stage.
Coming into work looking forward to what might happen almost every working day.
Not bad really when you take a moment to think about it.
The best aspect of the job is the variety and being lucky enough to work with the highest calibre talent our business has to offer.
The worst is that I'm playing less and less golf. This will have to change!  "


Managing Director
London, United Kingdom
1998 - Present (27 years 2 months)
Advising clients on agency reviews, commercial evaluations and relashionship management programmes with their agencies.
Supporting agencies in their own marketing and new business efforts. And doing odd jobs around AAR.
Board Account Director
CIA Medianetwork
1995 - 1999 (4 years)
Board Director responsible for clients media activities. Clients included SC Johnson, Somerfield, Wyeth, Jordans Cereals
Media Man
Horner Collis & Kirvan
1986 - 1994 (8 years)
Junior planner buyer, middle ranking planner buyer, senior planner buyer
Media gofer
1984 - 1985 (1 year)
My first job in the business. Did a lot of running around for my bosses of whom I seemed to have several.
Managing Director
London, United Kingdom


BA Hons, Business Studies

1980 - 1984 (4 years)

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

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