Steve Mills

Steve Mills

Chief Operating Officer at Havas London
Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Chief Operating Officer
London, United Kingdom
April 2016 - Present (8 years 9 months)
Havas Worldwide
2015 - Present (10 years)
Helping a very special agency and some old friends.
We Are Fred
November 2014 - Present (10 years 2 months)
We're an Advertising & Production Consultancy.

We work with brands and agencies alike to help them find more effective & innovative ways to work with customers, suppliers & most importantly within their own organisation. Interrogating existing processes, practices, talent & suppliers to identify new and more efficient ways of working.

Ultimately we want to help our clients to make and save more money.

UK Head of Operations
Bartle Bogle Hegarty
November 2010 - November 2014 (4 years)
Agency Commercial Partnerships.
Production Partnerships Internal and External.
Pitch Operations.
Finance Operations.
BBH MK Founder, Managing Director.
August 2003 - November 2010 (7 years 3 months)
BBH MK is BBH's best kept secret. A low cost hi quality advertising agency set in the Buckinghamshire country side. It was founded in 2003 by Steve Mills out of a suitcase to service the Audi UK business and many other Blue chip clients. In 2014 it has 80 staff and is a significant contributor to BBH's Group profit.
Managing Director
Edinburgh, United Kingdom


1981 - 1986 (5 years)

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