Larry Hauser

Larry Hauser

CEO at Hauser Group
Savannah, United States

About me

Larry has the vision of a creative director (which he is), but never felt the need to confine that mind-set to the ?creative department.? In 1980, he started the Hauser Group, founded on the conviction that successful marketing begins and ends with strategic and creative thinking. The same holds true today. Whatever the discipline, whatever the arena, it is Larry?s belief that the right kind of marketing erases the lines between advertising, PR and the other various disciplines. His mantra: ?advertising is a complementary mix of art, science and business. Ignore one of these factors or get them out of balance and you have, at the very least, just wasted your time and money.?

The tone and the culture for the Hauser Group is set by Larry. His desire to extend client?s brands further into the marketplace drives us all to find new and unique approaches to marketing. As strong as his creative instincts are, Larry also has an innate ability to cut to the chase and clarify business and marketing issues, providing leadership and infusing his unique brand of common sense and uncommon marketing ideas into brands all over the country. Larry serves on the AAAA (American Association of Advertising Agencies) Atlanta Council Board of
Governors. He also serves on the board of trustees of the Georgia Conservancy.


Chief Executive Officer

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