Christopher Ross

Christopher Ross

Chief Operating Officer at Grey Group
New York, United States

About me

Chris is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the agency, working closely with finance and executive management to drive the commercial evolution of Grey to identify organization and operational models that deliver creativity, efficiency, and profitability. Chris is also focused on future-proofing the agency by refining and expanding our offering – within and beyond 200 Fifth Ave. Chris joined Grey in 2008 as Executive Vice President on Diageo and almost immediately took on leadership of a large portfolio of brands that grew to include DIRECTV, Volvo, Ally, Diageo, Allianz and UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center). Chris was promoted from Executive Vice President to the newly created position of Partner in 2012. He took on additional leadership responsibility for Pfizer, Marriott and Bosch and in recognition of his unparalleled success was promoted to the newly created position of Managing Director in 2014. Chris continues to manage his portfolio of brands following being named to his current position in 2017. A British native and now a US Citizen, Chris has nearly 30 years of experience across the major areas of our business: large multinational agencies, a pure play digital agency, a leading design consultancy and as a Marketing Director on the client side. He’s lived and worked in London, South Africa, Singapore and New York.


Chief Operating Officer
Grey Group
May 2017 - Present (7 years 10 months)
Managing Director
Grey Group
2014 - 2017 (3 years)
Grey Group
December 2012 - 2014 (1 year 1 month)
Oversee a large and diverse portfolio of integrated business. Clients include;VolvoDiageoDirecTVAllyAllianzUPMC
EVP Account Director
Grey NY
December 2008 - April 2012 (3 years 4 months)
Initially hired to run Diageo - added Ketel One to the portfolio. Responsibilities expanded to oversee other accounts.
COO - Euro RSCG Fuel
2003 - 2006 (3 years)
Oversaw and managed the global advertising for Volvo and Jaguar


April 2018 - April 2018 (1 second)

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