The New York Festivals Advertising Awards Winners

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The freshest orange juice brand
2016 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Use Of Activation & Engagement: Launch/re-Launch
Activation & Engagement

The freshest orange juice brand

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Use Of Activation & Engagement: Launch/re-Launch
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2016 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award - Use Of Medium: Environmental Design : Point of Sale
2016 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Products & Services: Retail Stores
Integrated/Mixed Media

The freshest orange juice brand

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Products & Services: Retail Stores
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2016 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Products & Services: Retail Stores
Direct & Collateral

The freshest orange juice brand

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Products & Services: Retail Stores
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2016 The New York Festivals - Finalist Award - Products & Services: Retail Stores
Activation & Engagement

The freshest orange juice brand

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Products & Services: Retail Stores
AWARD: Finalist Award
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2016 The New York Festivals - Finalist Award - Products & Services: Retail Stores

The freshest orange juice brand

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Products & Services: Retail Stores
AWARD: Finalist Award
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2016 The New York Festivals - Finalist Award - Use Of Activation & Engagement: In-Store Experience
Activation & Engagement

The freshest orange juice brand

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Use Of Activation & Engagement: In-Store Experience
AWARD: Finalist Award
ADVERTISER: Intermarché