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Reborn To Be Alive
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Gold - Mobile Applications and Other Downloadable Tools

Reborn app

AGENCY: Duval Guillaume
BRAND: Reborn to be Alive
CATEGORY: Mobile Applications and Other Downloadable Tools
ADVERTISER: Reborn To Be Alive

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Silver - Best use of other digital platforms (incl. Mobile devices)

Reborn app

AGENCY: Duval Guillaume
BRAND: Reborn to be Alive
CATEGORY: Best use of other digital platforms (incl. Mobile devices)
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Reborn To Be Alive

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Silver - Charities, public heath & public awareness messages

Reborn app

AGENCY: Duval Guillaume
BRAND: Reborn to be Alive
CATEGORY: Charities, public heath & public awareness messages
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Reborn To Be Alive

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Silver - Best use of digital media in a promotional campaign
Promo & Activation

Reborn app

AGENCY: Duval Guillaume
BRAND: Reborn to be Alive
CATEGORY: Best use of digital media in a promotional campaign
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Reborn To Be Alive