2014 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity Award Winners

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2014 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity - Gold Lion - Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Promo & Activation

The Inglorious Fruits & Vegetables Case

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
CATEGORY: Use of Customer in-Store Experience
AWARD: Gold Lion
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2014 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity - Gold Lion - Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Promo & Activation

Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables

AGENCY: Marcel
BRAND: Intermarché
CATEGORY: Use of Customer in-Store Experience
AWARD: Gold Lion
ADVERTISER: Intermarché

2014 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity - Silver Lion - Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Promo & Activation


AGENCY: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
BRAND: Pacific Brands Underwear Group
CATEGORY: Use of Customer in-Store Experience
AWARD: Silver Lion
ADVERTISER: Pacific Brands Underwear Group

2014 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity - Bronze Lion - Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Promo & Activation

Pay Per Laugh

AGENCY: The Cyranos // McCann
BRAND: Teatreneu
CATEGORY: Use of Customer in-Store Experience
AWARD: Bronze Lion