Carlotta Biffi
Account Executive at Ruf Lanz Werbeagentur
Zürich, Switzerland
TitleLaboratory mice «Paragraph sign»
BriefSituation:Switzerland is known for its pharmaceutical industry. Unfortunately, a lot of animal testing is still done. 85% of all animal testing is done on mice or rats. This is despite the fact that the anatomy of humans and animals is very different.Solution:Laboratory mice in a small sterile glass box remind us of their rights by desperately forming the paragraph sign. Of course, the mice were not exposed to the stress of a photo shoot. They were brought to life using CGI at Carioca Studio.Media:Ads in opinion-forming newspapers, billboards around big pharma companies, postcards to Swiss politicians and social media.Result:The campaign has triggered debates in Switzerland. Also in politics, whose commitment is essential for a stricter animal protection in Swiss legislation.
Campaign Laboratory mice «Paragraph sign»
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Brand Tier im Recht

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