Dominik  Celand
Art Director at Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann
Wien, Austria
TitleGender Shouldn`t Be A Judgement (ger)
BriefOn the 16th of August 2021 the last US Soldier left Afghanistan and the Taliban regime took over. Harsh sharia rule was reinstated almost immediately and the violation of women´s rights recommenced once more. News of the abuse and the killing of women emerged, and no international government stepped into action.As a frontrunner for the protection of women´s rights, Amnesty International wanted to bring awareness to this situation. Just three days after the first documented incident, Amnesty Austria released this image of an Afghan woman wearing a burqa with a key difference: the woven net fabric covering the face was changed into a crosshair to demonstrate the life-threatening effects this harsh sharia interpretation has on Afghan woman.The initiative was immediately supported by a majority of Austria´s media, generating hundreds of free media placements across the nation and online.
Campaign Threatened by Gender
Advertiser Amnesty International
Brand Amnesty International Austria

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PostedNovember 2021
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Media Type Print
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