Sandra Brännfors
Production Manager at Prime Weber Shandwick
Stockholm, Sweden
TitleA High Price
BriefEvery year, hundreds of journalists are jailed and others subject to threats and assault. They pay a high price for freedom of expression. Our challenge was to raise awareness of this pressing issue and attract new supporters for Civil Rights Defenders. We thought it was time for everyone to pay a high price but in a different way; by creating the world's most expensive article. Written by Pulitzer Prize winner, Esther Htu San, it was published behind a paywall with a subscription fee of one million Swedish crowners, the article was a symbol of the high price Esther, along with other journalists around the world have to pay. Activated through social and earned media, the conversation sparked huge interest with thousands of people contributed to the crowdfunding effort. The original target was exceeded with 100% with over one million SEK raised and the article unlocked in only four weeks.
Campaign A High Price
Advertiser Civil Rights Defenders
Brand Civil Rights Defenders

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PostedJanuary 2021
Business SectorSubscribers Only
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Media Type Digital
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Production Company Producer Subscribers Only
Art Director Ch......fer L..d Subscribers Only
Copywriter I..z H� Subscribers Only
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Project Manager J...n H...én Subscribers Only
Graphic Designer V...or H....én Subscribers Only
Production Manager S...ra Br.....ors Subscribers Only
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