In a few words, can you tell us who you are what your job title is?
In a few words, I am Arturo Benlloch, Executive Creative Director of Havas Spain :)
What word would you best use to describe your office’s culture? Give us an example
I would say "compadre", a spanish word wich is not easy to translate but is related to friendship. Three years ago, Havas Creative Spain was a new agency as a result of a merge of some companies (Havas S&E, Euro RSCG, Fullsix...). Many different people and ways of working that we had to join in a new culture. Nowadays, we can say we have this culture, we are one, and we are "compadres".
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only use one app., which app would it be?
A desert island is the best place in the world to forget everything about apps and Smartphones. Can I bring my Kindle?
If you could choose three ads from history that you didn’t work on and add them to your portfolio, which three would you choose? Explain why
Arturo Benlloch:
1 NY Times: The Truth is Worth it by Droga5. As a copywriter, I have to love the way this campaign is written. It makes me feel jelaous.
2 Kenzo World: My Mutant Brain. I still watch it like the first time, its hypnotic.
3 Channel 4 Paralympics: Meet the superhumans. I woul like to have a budget like this, to see how a simple idea grows until it gets to something as astonishing as this wonderful ad.
What is your opinion on the growing trend of agencies getting involved with developing products for clients?
Can you watch this case study for Hammerhead Navigation and tell us your thoughts on the product and the campaign?
I love the idea, and I like the "product trend", specially when it is solving a real problem and a client request. What I do not like is when these products are only for the advertisement community or to get awards. Good ideas and technological solutions should help everyone, not only our egos.