Camilo Garzón Rengifo
Creative Director at .monks
Mexico City, Mexico

Camilo Garzón Rengifo Interview(s)

PHNX Tribute Jury

Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury?
It's a new way of knowing the creativity work that people do around the world and it's an opportunity to learn more.
What impact do you think the event might have on the industry?
I think it's a great opportunity to know all kinds of creativity that exist in this broader industry
What do you think of the hybrid jury, which includes strategists and journalists alongside creatives?
It's the best way to find a good work, a creative work.
What will you be looking for when you start judging the entries?
Simple ideas that generate change or a different perception than what has been working on.
What lasting impact might the current crisis have on creative work?
It gives a chance to create something real for the final consumer and not just advertising that is not seen for their lack empathy

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