I'm working in advertising for almost 20 years now. Already ? Gosh.
I've been working in Paris, Montréal and London, in independent and network agencies like Havas Worldwide Canada, Herezie Paris, McCann London, Publicis Conseil and Babel. On great clients like Volkswagen, Renault, Coca-Cola, MasterCard, Subway, Premier Foods, Bic, Harmonie Mutuelle, Santé Publique France...I had the chance to win local and international awards in any agency i worked in, like Cannes Lions, Andy, D&AD, One Show, NYF, Epica, Crea, CDA...
That's the thing when you have 20 years of experience, your biography is a succession of long lists !
But what matters the most is what's coming up, and what's gonna be new, challenging, make you feel "inconfortable" again. As helping creating an agency from scratch or leaving to London when you're a french copywriter.
So, cheers to the part of this Bio that ain't written yet, and to the people i still have to meet.