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$ 49


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$ 33 /month

Billed once: $199

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10 Credits for downloads*

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$ 25 /month

Billed yearly: $299

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20 Credits for downloads*

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* 1 Print Download = 1 credit
    * 1 Video Download = 2 credits

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1 Credit


1 print

2 Credits


1 video or 2 prints

5 Credits


10 Credits


100 Credits


* 1 Print Download = 1 credit = $10
* 1 Video Download = 2 credits = $20

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Stuart Pocock
Stuart Pocock - Managing Partner
The Observatory International
AdForum's Ad Alert service has proven popular with a great many of our Global and Regional Clients who now receive rapid update on latest competitor campaigns
Juliet Blackburn
Juliet Blackburn - Managing Director
SCOPEN Portugal
Adforum offers highly valuable and comprehensive access to any creative from around the world - the newest pushed out by the TOP 5. 


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