FELGTBI+ (Spanish State Federation LGTBI+) - "FELGTBI+ #LaCenaQueElegí (#TheDinnerIChose) Case Study" by PHNX Awards 2024

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TitleFELGTBI+ #LaCenaQueElegí (#TheDinnerIChose) Case Study
Campaign #LaCenaQueElegí (#TheDinnerIChose)
Advertiser Spanish State Federation LGTBI+
Brand FELGTBI+ (Spanish State Federation LGTBI+)
PostedMarch 2024
Product Projects & Services for the LGBTQ+ Community
Story Although society has come a long way in terms of rights, there is still discrimination based on sex and gender in our lives. Ironically, one of those moments where the LGTBIQ+ community suffers the most is Christmas. Specifically in one of the places where everyone should feel safer: home. From The State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bisexuals and Intersexuals+ (FELGTBI+) a response to this problem was given by creating #LaCenaQueElegí (#TheDinnerIChose), an alternative dinner to the typical family Christmas dinner, where people who are part of the collective could once again celebrate Christmas at a table free of prejudice with their chosen family, lots of love, respect and above all, being themselves. Opinion leaders, activists and influencers from the LGTBIQ+ community shared their experiences through social media and people started signing up at lacenaqueelegi.org. To attend #LaCenaQueElegí people had to tell their story of discrimination at Christmas. We generated thousands of real stories of discrimination that people shared with us and used them to amplify our campaign in all media. Many brands noticed us and joined the initiative to the point that Bizum, Nyx, Ben & Jerrys, Info Jobs, Heüra and many more became the main sponsors of a magical night that no one will forget. There were thousands of requests to attend the dinner and of those, 80 were chosen. In addition, many LGTBI+ influencers attended at zero cost. All the guests, influencers and main Spanish media, broadcast the event live, reaching millions of people that same night and inaugurating a tradition that aims to establish itself year after year within the Spanish LGTBI+ Federation. Finally, on Christmas Day we released the documentary directed by Daniel Eusse, a film director from the collective. Through 5 protagonists, the film unveiled the story of millions of people in search of recovering the Christmas spirit they once lost. About the documentary The documentary that we released on December 25th, tells the story of 5 people who belong to the LGTBIQ+ community. The truth is that from the first moment we approached the subject of finding these protagonists, we were always clear that we wanted them to be minority profiles even within the LGTBIQ+ community. For example, a white gay man already has enough privilege and voice compared to, say, a trans woman. So, we decided to have not so common profiles like FELGTBI+ President Uge SanGil (gender fluid +60 years old), Sisi Caceres (lesbian +60 years old), Estrella Extravaganza (trans woman, LGTBIQ+ activist), Niurka Gibaja (trans woman, 54 years old), Pitu Aparicio (lesbian activist) and Ama Eme Rubio (lesbian and activist). In addition, the Director and all his production crew are part of the collective, making this project even more authentic, real and special.
Media Type Case Study