Title | Sprite Anti-bullying Rap Label |
Agency | Saatchi & Saatchi Ukraine |
Campaign | Anti-Bullying Rap label |
Advertiser | The Coca-Cola Company |
Brand | Sprite |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | 2019 / 8 |
Product | Sprite |
Story | Sprite needs to inspire teens to stay fresh in the face of haters, but we are lack of street credibility. We decided not to act like a Brand. We started to act like a rap-label by signing local rap queen Alyona Alyona and started to produce music. |
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Creative Director | Kosta Schneider |
Associate creative director | Sergey Beloshitskiy |
Art-Director | Illya Bondar |
Motion Designer | Iryna Kutsman |
Account Director | Aliona Novikova |
Senior account manager | Marina Kondriyanenko |