Fifty Fifty Lebanon - "Close The Gap Case Film" by PHNX Awards 2020

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TitleClose The Gap Case Film
Campaign Close The Gap
Advertiser fiftyfifty
Brand Fifty Fifty Lebanon
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2020 / 2
Product Equal Gender Pay
Story Background: The gender pay gap has been steadily narrowing globally. But in Lebanon, not as fast as it should. To date, a 21% average gender pay gap remains to be closed; contributing to Lebanon’s poor ranking at 145 out of 152 countries*. *Global gender Gap Report 2020 As part of its initiatives to build a gender balanced Lebanon, fifty fifty wanted to raise awareness about the 21% gender pay gap; and inspire a behavioral change in women and towards women in the workplace. Idea: The idea was to show people what it means to close the gap, literally. In Arabic, a gap between two words or two letters impacts the way they are read and understood. And in some cases, by closing the gap between the letters, we reveal a new word, with an entirely different meaning. We chose words that with the gap, reflected women’s reality at the workplace today. Unequally paid, stagnating in lower positions, with unequal opportunity to grow. We asked people to close the gap, to reveal new words with empowering, positive and hopeful meanings. By inviting people to close the gap between letters, we showed them what it means to close the pay gap between genders. Results: 2+ Million impression Website visit +40% Awareness of Labor Law +80%
Media Type Integrated Media/360 Activation
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