Coca-Cola - "Coke ptsshhhh" by PHNX Awards 2020

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TitleCoke ptsshhhh
Campaign Coca-Cola Messes With Your Head With Visual Campaign
Advertiser Coca-Cola Company
Brand Coca-Cola
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2019 / 4
Business Sector Soft Drinks, Tonics
Tagline Try not to hear this
Story Can an image make a sound without actually making a sound? The Coca-Cola Company®, via its Central & Eastern Europe Business Unit, leveraged its rich history of sensorial advertising to launch a unique campaign that invites viewers to “hear” the image of an ad in their heads. The series of photographs show macro imagery of classic Coca-Cola® moments: the “fizzing” of the bubbles, the uncapping of a bottle, and the opening of a can. The headline then reads “TRY NOT TO HEAR THIS”, challenging viewers to avoid playing the sounds in their heads, but at the same time taunting them to do so. After all, it’s human nature to seek the forbidden. Or, is it something deeper working in people’s heads? This effect is called synesthesia. It’s when two different senses cross in our brains, producing the impression people are hearing one thing even though they’re stimulated via another sense, their vision. The Coca-Cola® campaign uses its instantly recognizable product and iconic rituals to trick the brain into automatically associating an image with a specific sound, filling in the silence with the expected sound. It’s in essence an auditory illusion.
Media Type Print
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