Anzen Health - "855-HOW-TO-QUIT-(OPIOIDS) Case Film 60s" by The New York Festivals Advertising Awards 2024

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Title855-HOW-TO-QUIT-(OPIOIDS) Case Film 60s
BriefIdea: 855-HOW-TO-QUIT. A helpline that reaches out to people in the most critical moment – when they have a pill in their hand. It turns the object of addiction into a way out, by using the mandatory imprint codes on opioid pills into phone extensions: codeine (IP33) is dialed as 4733, oxycodone (K9) as 59. The caller then hears the story of someone who managed to quit that very pill – live whenever the survivors’ availability allows, pre-recorded for 24/7 service. Followed by live advice from experts and concrete treatment options nearby.Results: The campaign has reached 182M people through OOH, film, and PR. Over 42,000 calls have come since it was launched, with an average call duration of 4:08 minutes. Additionally, more than 8,600 treatment referrals were placed and 237 people contacted us to share their own stories of recovery.Brand relevance: For healthcare consultancy Anzen Health, founder of the initiative, this goes beyond CSR, as the campaign also directs public attention and potential clients to rehabilitation facilities, many of which are part of Anzen Health’s client portfolio.Not only the helpline was promoted, but all the partners involved in the initiative, with NGOs attending radio shows and broadcasts, and Anzen Health being mentioned by main media outlets for their efforts. Several healthcare companies, NGOs, and other institutions have joined the coalition since the project’s launch. The project has received $2,3 million in public funding.
Campaign 855-HOW-TO-QUIT-(OPIOIDS)
Advertiser Anzen Health
Brand Anzen Health

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