Actimel, renowned for its vitamin D-rich immune-boosting dairy drinks, faced the challenge of reconnecting with Gen Z. Parents had stopped purchasing it for them, believing it was solely for childhood. However, reaching this demographic proved challenging due to their disinterest in traditional media, where Actimel historically advertised. This was the starting point of our brief, raising awareness among Gen Z of the importance of vitamin D in their daily lives. To do so, we got to the heart of their culture: video games.Potions are undoubtedly one of the most widely used features in video games. We've used the most iconic of them to deliver our message on immunity. We capitalized on the striking resemblance between Fortnite's shield potions and Actimel bottles to create a brand new custom-build potion: the Immunity Potion. An innovative shield fueled with 30 seconds of damage immunity. To give this potion maximum recognition in the eyes of gamers, we've developed a special map in the creative mode with one of the game's most popular creator, a technical map based on a gameplay that emphasizes the Immunity Potion, making it indispensable for top performance in the mode.