SPC packaged fruit and vegetables - "Preserved Memories" by Epica Awards 2016

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TitlePreserved Memories
BriefSPC is the last Australian cannery using local produce. Now it’s under threat from overseas imports. To create affection for the cannery, it launched “Preserved Memories”. People were urged to send precious mementos to SPC – childhood toys, a relative’s war medal, a touching letter – which were then “preserved” in SPC cans, photographed for a website, and returned to their owners. Hundreds of airtight time capsules were created. In this way, consumers felt an emotional connection to SPC and its cans.
Campaign Preserved Memories
Advertiser Spc Ardmona
Brand SPC packaged fruit and vegetables

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PostedNovember 2016
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Case Study