Hornbach DIY Home Improvements Superstores - "Project Germany" by Epica Awards 2016

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TitleProject Germany
BriefThe German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale is a notoriously austere building created during the Nazi era. But times have radically changed – and during the refugee crisis Germany proved that it is one of the world’s most open countries. To capture this spirit, home improvements retailer Hornbach went to work on the pavilion, literally opening it up and letting the light flood in. The facelift took place under a Hornbach banner, even though advertising at the biennale is normally forbidden. Intriguing social media posts captured the work in progress. On May 27, all was revealed: a pavilion open to everyone.
Campaign Project Germany
Advertiser Hornbach. Bau- & Gartenmärkte
Brand Hornbach DIY Home Improvements Superstores

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PostedNovember 2016
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