University of Gävle - "Do not waste your talents" by Epica Awards 2016

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TitleDo not waste your talents
BriefIn these four short films, Einstein seems to have become a millennial. He takes selfies, wonders about the point of education in a world where “you can Google everything”, imagines running a company “like a boss” – and finally decides to start a YouTube channel. “A lot of people have made serious cash doing that.” Fortunately for us, the real Einstein had better ideas. Don’t waste your talents. Register for university.
Campaign Do not waste your talents
Advertiser University of Gävle
Brand University of Gävle

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PostedNovember 2016
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Television
Creative Director B...d Subscribers Only
Copywriter Ma....le N....hl Subscribers Only
Art Director Ö....der Subscribers Only
Production Manager I...r Da.....son Subscribers Only
Project Manager N..s V....nd Subscribers Only
Advertising Manager M...a �....and Subscribers Only
Director A..a Che......sha Subscribers Only